It has been a while since I've shared my heart here. For some reason, I have not quite felt a sure message develop. So many wonderful things have been going on; so many life changes have come to fruition. As I was reading the end of, "One Thousand Gifts", by Ann Voskamp, these words captured my heart:
"Blessings keep our awareness of life's Holy potential ever present. They awaken us to our lives...with each blessing uttered we extend the boundaries of the sacred and ritualise our love of life. One hundred times a day, everywhere we turn, everything we touch, everyone we see. The blessings can be whispered. No one even need hear. No one but the Holy One."
First of all, God has used this book to awaken my soul to the vitality of praise, of thanks. I would like to consider myself a fairly grateful person, but do I acknowlege my thanks to God for ALL? Not just for the big things or the "yes" answered prayers. For the small, little blessings showered throughout my day. For the things that appear as suffering that God has promised are blessings in disguise. Yes, even that things that have devastated me; that temporarily made me doubt God's goodness at all. All is grace. This is not a pretty piece of wrapping paper to put around the hardships of our life in order to "cover" for God. No. God does not need my rationalizations concerning His ways, and I shudder to think I live sometimes as if He did. All is grace.
"Blessings keep our awareness of life's Holy potential ever present. They awaken us to our lives...with each blessing uttered we extend the boundaries of the sacred and ritualise our love of life. One hundred times a day, everywhere we turn, everything we touch, everyone we see. The blessings can be whispered. No one even need hear. No one but the Holy One."
First of all, God has used this book to awaken my soul to the vitality of praise, of thanks. I would like to consider myself a fairly grateful person, but do I acknowlege my thanks to God for ALL? Not just for the big things or the "yes" answered prayers. For the small, little blessings showered throughout my day. For the things that appear as suffering that God has promised are blessings in disguise. Yes, even that things that have devastated me; that temporarily made me doubt God's goodness at all. All is grace. This is not a pretty piece of wrapping paper to put around the hardships of our life in order to "cover" for God. No. God does not need my rationalizations concerning His ways, and I shudder to think I live sometimes as if He did. All is grace.
- My newfound discovery of half and half- not the fat free stuff, the real thing- coffee will never taste the same.
- My sweet puppies cuddled up in the grass, napping in the sunshine.
- A text message from a dear friend who I haven't seen in a while.
- The endurance the Lord has given my husband to make it through over 90 hours of work this week.
- Moments of solitude with the Lord as the birds chirp.
- Hugh's favorite OJ on sale, two for one.
- A couple hours of alonetime with delivery pizza, milkshakes, and the Braves.
- New friendships forming with some incredible women and some wonderful neighbors.
- A Gospel-preaching church that we feel connected to and challenged by every Sunday.
- Opportunities at work that make me realize His power is made perfect in my weakness.
- The emptiness and discontentment that continue to creep up, only to remind me that regardless, my satisfaction is fond solely in Him, no matter the circumstances.