Sunday, December 23, 2012

What about YOU?

"Your love NEVER fails, it NEVER gives up, it NEVER runs out on me..."-Kristian Stanfill, This One Thing
"Praise the Lord! He is good. His love never fails..."-Psalm 136:1

         These are just two of the MANY examples, through scripture, song, and voice, that remind us of God's unconditional, complete, unfailing love. As much as I stray DAILY- His love NEVER fails, NEVER gives up, NEVER runs out on me. So what about ME?
          So often, I look at others' attitude, inconsistencies, and motives toward me in the midst of promises such as these. (No matter what so and so said or did to me, God's love will never fail me like that. No matter how other people misunderstood me or gave me "the short end of the stick", He will never do that to me.) What about ME? How often do I fail, give up on others, or run out in the tough times? The cross overcame those. The birth of Jesus WAS the cross of Jesus. God's acceptance of a season in an earthly body was His way of shouting to a dead world, "This is what I have chosen for you. I choose you. In all your sin, in all your humanity. In your frailty, in your ever-changing emotions, I choose you." The birth of Jesus wasn't just a sweet little manger scene with a newborn and his parents... it was God's "Yes" to choosing us in all our mess and filth. We should not only reflect on Jesus' birth during Christmas, we should meditate on what that entails- on the big, beautiful, glorious picture. Jesus' birth signifies (eternal) LIFE for those who accept His gift. It represents forever victory of God. It reflects God's purposed, confident plan from the beginning of time. It wasn't Plan B. It was THE Plan made known from before our existence. (John 1:1-5). So in the next few days, take some time to see yourself in the midst of the birth story. Not just the person who steals your parking spot in the mall. Not only that relative you just can't stand to be around. Not just the mass murderers of the world (although all these should be reflected in the light of Christ as well). See yourself in all YOUR "stuff". In your past, present, and future misakes and humanity. And in the midst of that, see a Christ that cries out from before His very first breath on earth, "I choose you. I choose THIS for YOU." What an incredibly mysterious and miraculous God we serve. And with that, Merry Christmas.


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